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<?php | |
// WebYep | |
// (C) Objective Development Software GmbH | |
// | |
// setup php | |
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime() && function_exists("set_magic_quotes_runtime")) @set_magic_quotes_runtime(false); | |
error_reporting(0); | |
ini_set("display_errors", "Off"); | |
define("WEBYEP_DEMOSLOT_PREFIX", "demoslot_"); | |
define("WY_QK_LOGOUT", "WEBYEP_LOGOUT"); | |
define('WEBYEP_NOBOX', 0); | |
define('WEBYEP_LIGHTBOX', 1); | |
define('WEBYEP_FANCYBOX', 2); | |
$webyep_bDebug = false; | |
$webyep_bWL = false; | |
$webyep_bLiveDemo = false; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML = ""; | |
$webyep_sBodyHTML = ""; | |
function webyep_sConfigValue($sVN) | |
{ | |
return $GLOBALS[$sVN]; | |
} | |
function webyep_outputFilter($sIn) | |
{ | |
global $webyep_sHeadHTML, $webyep_sBodyHTML; | |
$sIn = $webyep_sHeadHTML ? str_replace("</head>", "$webyep_sHeadHTML</head>", $sIn):$sIn; | |
$sIn = $webyep_sBodyHTML ? str_replace("</body>", "$webyep_sBodyHTML</body>", $sIn):$sIn; | |
return $sIn; | |
} | |
function webyep_showSystemInfos() { | |
global $goApp; | |
$bMay = false; | |
if ($goApp->bEditPermission) $bMay = true; | |
if ($bMay) { | |
echo "<h2>PHP System Infos</h2>\n"; | |
eval(phpinfo()); | |
} | |
} | |
function webyep_sHTMLEntities($s, $bAll = true) { | |
global $webyep_sCharset; | |
if ($webyep_sCharset == "") { | |
if (!$bAll) { | |
$dTable = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); | |
$dTable["<"] = "<"; | |
$dTable[">"] = ">"; | |
$dTable[chr(183)] = chr(183); // leave middot allone - needed for lists | |
$s = strtr($s, $dTable); | |
} else { | |
$s = htmlentities($s); | |
} | |
} else { | |
$s = str_replace("&", "&", $s); | |
$s = str_replace("\"", """, $s); | |
$s = str_replace("'", "'", $s); | |
if ($bAll) { | |
$s = str_replace(">", ">", $s); | |
$s = str_replace("<", "<", $s); | |
} | |
$s = str_replace("\\>", ">", $s); | |
$s = str_replace("\\<", "<", $s); | |
} | |
return $s; | |
} | |
function webyep_showSecWarning() { | |
$sText = WYTS("SecWarning"); | |
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert(\"$sText\")</script>"; | |
} | |
function webyep_checkDataFolderIntegrity() { | |
global $goApp, $webyep_dMD5s; | |
$oDP = od_clone($goApp->oDataPath); | |
$r = opendir($oDP->sPath); | |
while ($r && ($sFN = readdir($r)) !== false) { | |
if (preg_match('/\.php$/', $sFN) || preg_match('/\.htm$/', $sFN) || (preg_match('/\.html$/', $sFN) && $sFN != "readme.html" && $sFN != "liesmich.html") || preg_match('/\.js$/', $sFN)) { | |
webyep_showSecWarning(); | |
return; | |
} | |
} | |
closedir($r); | |
} | |
// in case config can't be found | |
$webyep_sAdminName = (string)mt_rand(10000, 99999); | |
$webyep_sAdminPassword = (string)mt_rand(10000, 99999); | |
$webyep_sBaseURL = ""; | |
$webyep_bUseTablesForMenus = false; // deprecated | |
$webyep_bUseJavaScriptMenus = false; | |
$webyep_bUseTablesForGalleries = true; | |
$webyep_bAutoCloseMenus = false; | |
$webyep_bRememberOpenMenus = true; | |
$webyep_bTitleAlwaysOpensPage = false; | |
$webyep_bShowDisabledEditButtons = true; | |
$webyep_bOtherLoginsMayEditGlobalData = false; | |
$webyep_sHTMLStandard = "auto"; | |
$webyep_bLiveDemoLockTemplate = false; | |
$webyep_iUseImageBox = WEBYEP_NOBOX; // check, if subfolder is present in /opt and set $webyep_iUseImageBox accordingly (see below) | |
$webyep_bDoNotIncludejQuery = false; // jQuery will be included, if required (see below) | |
$webyep_bDoNotIncludePrototype = false; // Prototype will be included, if required (see below) | |
$webyep_bDoNotIncludeScriptaculous = false; // Scriptaculous will be included, if required (see below) | |
$webyep_aMultiLoginName = array(); | |
$webyep_aMultiLoginPassword = array(); | |
$webyep_aMultiLoginURLPatterns = array(); | |
$webyep_iMajorVersion = 1; | |
$webyep_iMinorVersion = 8; | |
$webyep_iSubVersion = 0; | |
$webyep_sCopyrightLine = "© 2013, <a href='' target='_blank'>Objective Development Software GmbH</a>"; | |
if (isset($_GET['webyep_sIncludePath']) || isset($_POST['webyep_sIncludePath']) || isset($_COOKIE['webyep_sIncludePath']) || isset($_SESSION['webyep_sIncludePath'])) exit(-1); | |
if (strpos($webyep_sIncludePath, ":") !== false) exit(-1); | |
if (!file_exists(webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath"))) exit(-1); | |
include_once(webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/lib/foundation.php"); | |
$webyep_bTesting = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) && (webyep_str_murks($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])=="jrolrc.ubzr" || webyep_str_murks($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])=="gevyyvna.ybpny"); | |
// if ($webyep_bTesting) $webyep_bDebug = true; | |
// for CKFinder: We need to be able to include webyep.php from within a function | |
global $webyep_sAdminName; | |
global $webyep_sAdminPassword; | |
$sConfigFilePath = webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/../config-inc.php"; | |
if (!@include_once($sConfigFilePath)) { | |
$sConfigFilePath = webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/../konfiguration.php"; | |
if (!@include_once($sConfigFilePath)) | |
$goApp->log("could not find config file"); | |
} | |
// backward compatibility with pre 1.2.2 config | |
if (!isset($webyep_sMenuType)) $webyep_sMenuType = "div"; | |
if ($webyep_sMenuType == "list") { | |
$webyep_bUseListsForMenus = true; | |
$webyep_bUseJavaScriptMenus = false; | |
} | |
else if ($webyep_sMenuType == "listJS") { | |
$webyep_bUseListsForMenus = true; | |
$webyep_bUseJavaScriptMenus = true; | |
} | |
else { | |
$webyep_bUseListsForMenus = false; | |
$webyep_bUseJavaScriptMenus = false; | |
} | |
// if ($webyep_bTesting) $webyep_sCharset = "iso-8859-2"; | |
// if ($webyep_bTesting) $webyep_iForcedLanguageID = 0; | |
if ($webyep_bDebug) { | |
if (defined('E_DEPRECATED')) { | |
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE & ~E_DEPRECATED); // PHP 5.3+ | |
} else { | |
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); // old PHP version | |
} | |
ini_set("display_errors", "On"); | |
} | |
if ($webyep_bLiveDemo) { | |
if (isset($_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"])) { | |
$sRedirectURL = $_SERVER["REDIRECT_URL"]; | |
if (substr($sRedirectURL, -1) == "/") $sRedirectURL .= "index.php"; | |
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] = $sRedirectURL; | |
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = $sRedirectURL; | |
} | |
else if (isset($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])) { | |
$iQueryPos = strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "?"); | |
$sWithoutQuery = substr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], 0, $iQueryPos ? $iQueryPos:strlen($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"])); | |
if (substr($sWithoutQuery, -1) == "/") $sWithoutQuery .= "index.php"; | |
$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] = $sWithoutQuery; | |
$_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] = $sWithoutQuery; | |
} | |
// get live demo slot ID | |
if (preg_match('|.*/' . WEBYEP_DEMOSLOT_PREFIX . '([end]{2})([0-9]+)/.*|', $sURI, $aReg)) { | |
$webyep_sLiveDemoSlotID = $aReg[2]; | |
if ($aReg[1] == "en") $webyep_iForcedLanguageID = 0; | |
if ($aReg[1] == "de") $webyep_iForcedLanguageID = 1; | |
} | |
else $webyep_sLiveDemoSlotID = ""; | |
} | |
include_once(webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/lib/WYApplication.php"); | |
include_once(webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath") . "/lib/WYLanguage.php"); | |
// backward compatibility with 1.0.x | |
if ( isset($webyep_sAdminPasswort) && !isset($webyep_sAdminPassword) ) { | |
$webyep_sAdminPassword = $webyep_sAdminPasswort; | |
} | |
// backward compatibility with pre 1.2.2 config | |
if (!isset($webyep_bOpenFullURLsInNewWindow)) $webyep_bOpenFullURLsInNewWindow = false; | |
// backward compatibility with early pre releases of 1.2.2 | |
if (isset($webyep_bOpenLongTextFullURLsInNewWindow)) $webyep_bOpenFullURLsInNewWindow = $webyep_bOpenLongTextFullURLsInNewWindow; | |
$webyep_sVersionPostfix = ''; | |
$_wy_sIncludePath = webyep_sConfigValue("webyep_sIncludePath"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYShortTextElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYLongTextElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYImageElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYMenuElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYLoopElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYLogonButtonElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYAttachmentElement.php"); | |
include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYReadMoreElement.php"); | |
if (file_exists("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYRichTextElement.php")) include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYRichTextElement.php"); | |
if (file_exists("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYGalleryElement.php")) include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYGalleryElement.php"); | |
if (file_exists("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYAudioElement.php")) include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYAudioElement.php"); | |
if (file_exists("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYGuestbookElement.php")) include_once("$_wy_sIncludePath/elements/WYGuestbookElement.php"); | |
if ($webyep_sBaseURL) { | |
$goApp->oProgramURL->sPath = "$webyep_sBaseURL/" . (strpos($goApp->oProgramURL->sPath, "webyep-system/programm") !== false ? "programm":"program"); | |
$goApp->oDataURL->sPath = "$webyep_sBaseURL/" . (strpos($goApp->oDataURL->sPath, "webyep-system/daten") !== false ? "daten":"data"); | |
$goApp->oImageURL = od_clone($this->oProgramURL); | |
$goApp->oImageURL->addComponent("images"); | |
} | |
// public API | |
function webyep_bIsEditMode() | |
{ | |
global $goApp; | |
return $goApp->bEditMode; | |
} | |
function webyep_bHasEditPermissions() | |
{ | |
global $goApp; | |
return $goApp->bEditPermission; | |
} | |
// ---------- | |
// Not happy with this function here, but can't think of a better place right now... | |
function webyep_sGetFancyBoxVersion ($sPath) { | |
$aFiles = webyep_aScanDirectory ($sPath, "jquery\.fancybox-.+\.pack.js"); | |
return preg_replace("|jquery\.fancybox-(.+)\.pack.js|", "$1", $aFiles[0]); | |
} | |
// ---------- | |
if (!function_exists("version_compare") || version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "4.2.0") < 0) { | |
list($fUSec, $fSec) = explode(' ', microtime()); | |
mt_srand($fSec + ((float)$fUSec * 100000)); | |
} | |
if (!headers_sent()) { | |
if ($goApp->bShouldAvoidCaching()) { | |
header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); | |
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT"); | |
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); | |
header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); | |
header("Pragma: no-cache"); | |
} | |
else { | |
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s", filemtime($goApp->oDataPath->sPath)) . " GMT"); | |
} | |
} | |
// headers should not be sent at this point | |
if (headers_sent() && $webyep_bDocumentPage && !preg_match("|webyep-system/.*/notice.php|", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && !preg_match("|webyep-system/.*/logon.php|", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { | |
echo $goApp->sNoticeWindowJS("HeaderProblemTitle", "HeaderProblemMessage"); | |
} | |
$goApp->outputWarningPanels(); | |
if ($goApp->bEditMode && !$goApp->bValidUser() && !preg_match("|webyep-system/.*/logon.php|", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) && !preg_match("|webyep-system/.*/notice.php|", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) { | |
if ($webyep_bDocumentPage) { | |
echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; | |
echo " " . $goApp->sAuthWindowJS(); | |
echo "</script>\n"; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($webyep_bDocumentPage) { | |
ob_start("webyep_outputFilter"); | |
WYLoopElement::setupHead(); | |
if ($webyep_iUseImageBox == WEBYEP_NOBOX) { // only include js/css, if $webyep_iUseImageBox has default value | |
// LightBox --------------------------- | |
$sLightBoxSub = "opt/lightbox"; | |
$oLightBoxPath = od_clone($goApp->oProgramPath); | |
$oLightBoxPath->addComponent($sLightBoxSub); | |
if ($oLightBoxPath->bExists()) { | |
if ($webyep_bDoNotIncludeScriptaculous) $webyep_bDoNotIncludePrototype = true; // scriptaculous requires prototype | |
$webyep_iUseImageBox = WEBYEP_LIGHTBOX; | |
$oLightBoxURL = od_clone($goApp->oProgramURL); | |
$oLightBoxURL->addComponent($sLightBoxSub); | |
$sLightBoxURL = $oLightBoxURL->sEURL(); | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= " window.WebYep_LightBoxPath = '$sLightBoxURL';\n"; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= sprintf(" window.WebYep_LightBoxLang = '%s';\n", $webyep_iLanguageID == WYLANG_ENGLISH ? "en":"de"); | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "</script>\n"; | |
if ($webyep_bDoNotIncludePrototype === false) { // undocumented Option from config.php - if set, user must include Prototype manually in HTML! | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$sLightBoxURL/js/prototype.js'></script>\n"; | |
} | |
if ($webyep_bDoNotIncludeScriptaculous === false) { // undocumented Option from config.php - if set, user must include Scriptaculous manually in HTML! | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$sLightBoxURL/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder'></script>\n"; | |
} | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$sLightBoxURL/js/lightbox.js'></script>\n"; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$sLightBoxURL/css/lightbox.css' type='text/css' media='screen' />\n"; | |
} | |
// FancyBox --------------------------- | |
$sFancyBoxSub = "opt/fancybox"; | |
$oFancyBoxPath = od_clone($goApp->oProgramPath); | |
$oFancyBoxPath->addComponent($sFancyBoxSub); | |
if ($oFancyBoxPath->bExists() && !($webyep_iUseImageBox == WEBYEP_LIGHTBOX)) { | |
$oOptURL = od_clone($goApp->oProgramURL); | |
$oOptURL->addComponent("opt"); | |
$sOptURL = $oOptURL->sEURL(); | |
// Add jQuery | |
if ($webyep_bDoNotIncludejQuery === false) { // undocumented Option from config.php - if set, user must include jQuery manually in HTML! | |
$oOptPath = od_clone($goApp->oProgramPath); | |
$oOptPath->addComponent("opt"); | |
$aResult = webyep_aScanDirectory($oOptPath->sPath, "^jquery-([0-9]+\.)+(min\.)?js$"); | |
if (count($aResult) == 1) { // if we have something that looks like jQuery in /opt, use it | |
$sJQueryLibrary = $aResult[0]; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='" . $sOptURL . "/" . $sJQueryLibrary . "'></script>\n"; | |
} else { // use newest jQuery v1.x from | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>\n"; | |
} | |
} | |
$webyep_iUseImageBox = WEBYEP_FANCYBOX; | |
$sFancyBoxVersion = webyep_sGetFancyBoxVersion($oFancyBoxPath->sPath); // TODO: check if VersionNr is valid | |
$oFancyBoxURL = od_clone($goApp->oProgramURL); | |
$oFancyBoxURL->addComponent($sFancyBoxSub); | |
$sFancyBoxURL = $oFancyBoxURL->sEURL(); | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<link rel='stylesheet' href='$sFancyBoxURL/jquery.fancybox-" . $sFancyBoxVersion . ".css' type='text/css' media='screen' />\n"; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript' src='$sFancyBoxURL/jquery.fancybox-" . $sFancyBoxVersion . ".pack.js'></script>\n"; | |
// onload function to initialize the images: | |
$oFBOptionsPath = od_clone($goApp->oProgramPath); | |
$oFBOptionsPath->addComponent("opt/fancybox_params.js"); | |
if ($oFBOptionsPath->bExists()) { | |
// include params from option file | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/\$(document).ready(function(){\$('a.WYPopUpImage').fancybox({"; | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= preg_replace("|,[ ]*$|", "", preg_replace("|\"|", "'", preg_replace("|[\n\r\t]|", "", file_get_contents($oFBOptionsPath->sPath)))); | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "});});/*]]>*/</script>\n"; | |
} else { | |
// use hardcoded defaults | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "<script type='text/javascript'>/*<![CDATA[*/\$(document).ready(function(){\$('a.WYPopUpImage').fancybox({'transitionIn':'elastic','transitionOut':'elastic','speedIn':600,'speedOut':200,'overlayShow':false});});/*]]>*/</script>\n"; | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
$webyep_sHeadHTML .= "\n<!-- designer must put js/css here manually -->\n"; | |
} | |
} | |
$oExtPath = od_clone($goApp->oProgramPath); | |
$oExtPath->removeLastComponent(); | |
$oExtPath->removeLastComponent(); | |
$oExtPath->addComponent(""); | |
if ($oExtPath->bExists()) include_once($oExtPath->sPath); | |
?> |